Stonebridge is honored to have been recognized for excellence in many areas of its business including Wedding Reception and Golf Course categories in various polls and area recognition. When you choose Stonebridge Golf Club for your next event, round of golf or outing, you will have the confidence of choosing the best Ann Arbor has to offer in a public golf course and wedding reception or corporate event venue.

11 06, 2011

Best Public Golf Course in Washtenaw County

2019-04-22T20:34:09-04:00June 11th, 2011|Awards|

What’s the public golf course in Washtenaw County? The voters in’s BestOf contest say it’s Stonebridge Golf Club,  On June 11, 2011, Stonebridge Golf Club was ranked #1 in the category "Best Public Golf Course in Washtenaw County".

21 08, 2007

Detroit News Ranks Stonebridge Hole 6…One of the Toughest in Detroit!

2021-02-15T20:12:47-05:00August 21st, 2007|Awards|

Detroit News staffers Craig Yuhas, Tim Twentyman and Tony Paul experienced a two-day venture in search of the toughest 18 holes on public courses in Metro Detroit -- in St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, Washtenaw, Livingston and Monroe counties.  The 6th Hole at Stonebridge came out as one of the toughest and they added [...]

15 04, 2003

Top 10 Public Golf Course

2015-02-17T00:16:34-05:00April 15th, 2003|Awards|

On April 15, 2003, Stonebridge Golf Club was ranked one of the Top 10 Public golf courses in Southeast Michigan by the Detroit Free Press & News.